








  來稿請提供:論文題目、中英文摘要(300-500字)、關鍵詞及個人簡歷(附表),繳交期限為 2024831日,915日公布錄取結果,2025228日前提交全文。來稿中、英文不拘,不得為已經發表於期刊、書籍之論文;英文稿件請附中文題目摘要,發表語言以華語、英語為主。本次論壇謹訂於2025425日至27日假瑞芳青雲殿(224新北市瑞芳區濱二路30)神農殿堂舉辦。會議期間之交通食宿由主辦方招待,投稿摘要請寄Chiangbowei@gmail.com,主旨請註明:【投稿:2025瑞芳青雲殿神農大帝國際學術研討會】。


瑞芳青雲殿 黃佳玲主委 敬啟


2025 Ruifang Qingyun Temple

“Emperor Shennong International Academic Symposium”

Call for Papers

Origin and Background

  Taiwan has a long history of worshipping Emperor Shennong, also known as the Emperor Yan, the Five Grains King, the Medicine King, and the First Farmer. There are nearly 300 temples dedicated to Emperor Shennong throughout Taiwan, making it one of the most widespread traditional folk religious practices in Taiwan. From the perspective of cultural development, practices involving the Emperor Shennong are not only closely related to the process of early Han settlers crossing the sea to Taiwan, but their essence also encompasses aspects of mythology, ethnic origins, concepts of civilization, ritual practices, and historical heroes. They particularly reflect the development of agricultural and medical cultures and hold educational value in moral values. The influence of this set of practices extends to regions such as East Asia and South Asia, making it an important component of Asian culture.

  In light of this, Ruifang Qingyun Temple, in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Chinese Religions at National Chengchi University, the Center for Overseas Chinese Studies at National Taiwan Normal University, the Department of Chinese at National Taiwan Normal University, and the Department of History at Tamkang University, is organizing the "Emperor Shennong International Academic Symposium" with a focus on the religious culture of Emperor Shennong in Taiwan. In addition to inviting key speakers on closely related topics from home and abroad, the symposium aims to gather scholars from various countries through a broad, cross-regional, and interdisciplinary vision to participate and present papers. The symposium will also welcome academic peers and enthusiasts through an open call for papers and professional review. As befits the topic, it is planned to make this a grand and successful event.


Call for Papers: Topics

The symposium will include the following topics:

1.Myths and legends about Emperor Yan - Shennong and their influence and dissemination.

2.Historical documentation, ethnic relationships, and cultural site discussions related to Emperor Yan - Shennong.

3.The wider cultural connotations of Emperor Yan - Shennong and their significance for the development of intellectual history.

4.Exploration of the relationship between Emperor Yan - Shennong and agricultural civilization and traditional medicine.

5.Examination of the inheritance of mythology, ritual practices, and temple architecture associated with Emperor Yan - Shennong.

6.Analysis of the imagery and related visual representations of Emperor Yan - Shennong.

7.Research on the overseas development of religious practices related to Emperor Yan - Shennong.

8.Other related topics.


Submission Requirements

  Please submit the following: paper title, abstracts in both Chinese and English (300-500 words), a list of keywords, and personal resume (please see attached form). The submission deadline is August 31, 2024, with acceptance results announced on September 15, 2024. Full papers must be submitted by February 28, 2025. Submissions can be in either Chinese or English and must not be previously published in journals or books. English manuscripts should include a Chinese title and abstract. The main languages for presentations are Mandarin and English. The symposium will be held from April 25 to 27, 2025, at the Shennong Hall of Ruifang Qingyun Temple (No. 30, Bin 2nd Road, Ruifang District, New Taipei City 224). The organizers will cover transport, meals, and accommodation during the conference. Please send your abstract to Chiangbowei@gmail.com with the subject line: [Submission: 2025 Ruifang Qingyun Temple Emperor Shennong International Academic Symposium].


Respectfully yours,

Chairperson Huang Jialing, Ruifang Qingyun Temple





桃園閩南文化國際論壇──錄取名單(6/11 11:00更新)